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Monday, February 1, 2010

Safety Check on the Pressure Cooker

Last week I almost set my seed starters for the garden…like I could hurry spring!   I’m having a hard time holding off.

I’m so glad I waited! As we just got another snow dump! 

new knits 002

Only a few inches and not half as bad as those less than an hour south.  But I still keep staring at those seeds.

So I started checking my canning equipment to make sure its still in good condition & ready to go.  I purchased my pressure cooker last year so it should still be in great shape but it still needs to be checked. 

Home 123 If you are lucky enough to find one at a yard sale or thrift shop, look it over well, check to make sure there are no cracks or visible holes in or outside.  If there are holes you have a good sized out door planter not a working canner.  Also check the rubber ring seal (it pulls right out) on the inside of the lid for cracks or wear spots as that is signs it would need replaced. If everything looks fine place your pressure canner on the stove,  add a quart or 2 of water to the canner and run a pressure test. Your looking for any moisture or bubbles showing on the exterior.  If you see any moisture other than the air escaping from the vent immediately turn your heat off and leave it alone until entirely cool to the touch. Your canner will not hold the pressure needed to successfully can .

Home 125

I may seem a bit silly checking your canning tools before the garden is even planted but, my thought is if you need to order parts or replace the pressure canner itself, you have time to stash & save to find good deals.  Nothings more wasteful than having produce ready for processing and not have working tools to use!

If you’ve been lucky enough to have been given canning jars or bought some at estate sales, do your self a favor and wash them now.  Most deals are jars that have been stored in a garage or barn and are dirty & dusty.

new knits 060As you can see our canned goods are pretty low, there is one other shelf unit with pickles & veggies

It will give you the opportunity to check for cracks or pits.  You’ll still need to sterilize prior to use but, washing and storing upside down in the boxes (if you have them) keeps them from collecting dust &  save scrubbing time!


  1. Great Post and good advice. Why wait until you need them. By then most folks are already busy with the gardening and canning. Might as well get a head start. I'm thinking you will be happy you did!

  2. I actually haven't gotten the itch to start seedlings in the greenhouse yet. But I can say that my pantry is beginning to dwindle, but not much. I really canned a ton last fall! So glad I did though!

  3. Dude??? Is that the same basement that used to house all of my old baby clothes and paraphanila for Isaiah and the house I'd one day have? Could that be the same shelving unit I once pulled about seven halloween costumes off of all covered in dust and dirt and laughed about all the extra canning supplies? Wow!

    SERIOUSLY Mom, quit pretending you're really this organized! --We all know the truth! LOVE YOU!

  4. PS... The school wants it's pot back!

  5. You almost make me want to start canning again, but then I become rational again and chase the thought away.

  6. I love canning and get such a wonderful feeling when it's done. I can with a friend and it makes our work fun and we split our goods.

  7. Hi thanks for stopping at my blog! I love canning and I was doing just what you said checking out all my jars. Hubby and I were pouring over past issues of Mother Earth News and I am contemplating building a cold frame garden. We are going to get the garden area ready by allowing the chickens in to do their thing, scratch up the ground and fertilize! I am so excited for spring to come and growing STUFF!
    I never grew up like this. I was a townie and maybe my mom made jelly once. My shelves look like yours!


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