Isaiah’s first day of school,we were waiting outside for Mommy to go. He was jumping out of his skin the day before all excited. New backpack, school supplies, haircut.
He said I’ve got some new cool stuff Grandma!
But, what if the kids are mean? What if they don’t like me?
What will you do if I’m not here to help you? We have to get laundry, & work in the garden…maybe I betters stay home..Cause I’m your big helper boy!
After naming all the chores he dislikes & bit of discussion of school & circle time, recess, songs & other kids,,he decided to “give it a try” cause you always have to try new stuff
We are fortunate that the bus drops him off to Mr.. Fixit at the shop so, (even with the move he gets his “Grandpa time”). Every day we ask how was school Isaiah? And get the same response…
Is it to much to ask for this attitude to last another 16 yrs?
It's cute to see another Isaiah (my 2YO is also Isaiah)! Thank you for visiting my blog waaay back! The first trimester of pregnancy always keeps me pretty quiet, so I'm just getting around to visiting blogs and becoming a little more active again.