
Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect.

It's learning to look past life's imperfections

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Saturday, September 5, 2009

I think I’m Old

Tonight my body & I had a conversation.  My side was very polite.

My body is calling me all sorts of names….most of which I can’t put in print.

It’s reminding me I’m not 25 any more.  It started whining after about 4 hours of painting.  The Subway BMT at hour 5 helped and the ice cream sandwich & gas station coffee at hour 7 was lifesaving. 

What I want to know is how could I have raised a daughter that doesn't own a coffee pot?  Isn’t that a sin?  I know its in the Bible somewhere….

Anyways, the living room  & 2 bedrooms are done, complete with 2 coats of paint and one with a ceiling fan installed.  God bless Mr. Fix~it who closed the Dealership early to come and help…well, its a holiday weekend right?

Chris mowed the  hayfield back yard & pruned the tree bush & painted the garage interior.  Yes Painted the garage interior.  The previous owner apparently did a lot of car repairs.  The interior was filthy with grease & dirt.  After cleaning as much as he could he painted it with Kilz.  We need to use the garage as a staging area while unloading the furniture ….. it was just unthinkable to put anything in it, in that condition.

So tomorrow if we can get out of bed we have the 3rd bedroom, kitchen and hall left to paint.  Shelf paper to lay, floors to mop…oh, I’m tired already just thinkin about it. 

When we started the 7 mile trip home, Isaiah was asleep before we left the subdivision.  I don’t think he made 2 blocks. He was right in there helping all day…..not always how we needed the help but….he was a trooper!

I’m peppered with paint, Terra Cotta, 2 shades of Green & White.

I took my camera for some “after photos”….I just left the memory card in the computer!   Wait till you see her kitchen color, I thought OMG at first but it looks so good. 

So early tomorrow we’ll be back at it.  I hate missing Mass but…I have a feeling we’ll be praying  to finish in time a lot thru the day!

Well, the spirit is willing but the body is cursing whining so off to the shower and bed!

Hope your enjoying the weekend!


  1. I am pretty sure it is a sin to not have a kettle. It is one of those essentials everyone has to have around the house like a set of rosary beads.

  2. THANK YOU Therese! She has Rosary beads a plenty. I think I'm contacting Obama about it since hes rewriting all our laws...."a chicken in every pot & a coffee pot in every kitchen!"

  3. I was in the shower at midnight last night. We enjoyed the day fishing and BBQ with my best friend from 8th grade and her hubs. The best time I've had in a loooong time. :o)

  4. We are hardest on ourselves, to keep us in check, just in case no one is around to tell us. Hugs

  5. Apparently your calendar doesn't have the word "holiday" under this weekend! Whoa! I'll be praying for you. I can't even imagine doing that much in one day let alone actually doing it. Oh, and there is coffee in the Bible: "He-brews". No way I'd be able to do that without coffee. Or vicodin.

  6. so glad she has the rosary beads but tell her, she must get a kettle. I cannot imagine life without one.

    I posted my sausage casserole recipe on my blog for you.



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