
Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect.

It's learning to look past life's imperfections

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Things You Find When Organizing & Signs Of Spring

This morning I heard a familiar sound outside I hadn’t heard for a while……

Their … dishcloths 004BAAAAAAACK on the pond!  dishcloths 005

This is a new group  & I hope they stay the year as watching the babies antics & growth is very entertaining.

Cleaning up and reorganizing my yarn I FINALLY found my cotton stash! So the past few evenings I’ve been working on dishcloth sets.  Here is what I just listed to Etsy

dishcloths 029 

dishcloths 039 

dishcloths 017

dishcloths 010

I also knit about 8 more for myself with a mix of scraps.  I love using them as they hold up so well & are even more absorbent than regular store bought terry cloths.  Besides, if you have to do a dirty job you might as well have fun colors to to do it with!

So, what have you been up to?


  1. I love making dishcloths too and enjoy the diferent colours.

  2. I just posted pictures of some little socks I have been working on. They are so cute!!
    I am seeing some of my trees beginning to bud. My wysteria and cherry tree both have buds on them. The Cherry ones are very big. I just hope we do not get a late frost that damages them. We have had an exceptionally warm winter so far. D#^* that global warming!!!

  3. I have been procrastinating finishing a pair of longies for Liam cause the yarn is such a dream to work with and crocheting small sparkley pink projects for Mikaela. Also, I have been catching up with my biological father, whom I have never had a relationship with due to circumstances beyond our control!

    I hope the ducks stay the year too! I would love to get updates on your blog about how ducklings are doing!

  4. I've been writing and reading and listening to music. :-)

    I love your dishcloth sets!!!!

    and the ducks!! HOW FUN!!!!

  5. You amaze me with how many things you just crank out lol I rarely ever do wash clothes even though I love how well they work. :)


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