
Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect.

It's learning to look past life's imperfections

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Monday, January 4, 2010

Its All Over But The Candy

The tree is packed up,  I scouted through the house for the last few decorations we always leave out & we’re good to go!

Until I emptied the last of the stockings…new knitting 008

I didn’t buy chocolate this year. I mean I LOVE it.  But…I eat it & it goes directly to my backside…and stays there visiting with friends creating new families.  The kids did this!  And then they left it.  For us.  So, I gathered it up by Bertha as a reminder….new clothes that fit cost $…dentist has children in college,  I will look like Bertha only my shirt will be pink!

I.   Will.   Not.   Open.   the.   42oz.   bag.   of.   M&M’s!

To keep from diving  (visualize a swan dive) into the chocolate, I’ve been knitting like crazy.

Isaiah was upset he did not get a hat for Christmas…..in a way as if  he’s standing in a snow drift naked….guilt…yes he can pull my strings…so here is a quick Dwarf hat for him.

new knitting 006 Mr.Fix~it taking the tree down, that was a royal “we”

I used Wool~ease chunky on 7’s so it would be super thick and warm. Came in handy when he helped take the outdoor lights down in 16degree balmy temps.

It was a busy weekend knitting

An Elfin Topper for each Miss Emily & Itty Bitty finished last night.

new knitting 010 

Emily wants PINK! So Pink it is. Stash busting! Oops!  That’s a Christmas table cloth, guess I have more yet to pack.

And a skirty, the skirt is done and the shorties under I’ll work on this afternoon

new knitting 009

Another pair of longies, I love cascade for these

new knitting 011 The plan is to complete them this afternoon…we shall see, I hear Mount laundry is ready for a landslide.

How was your weekend?


  1. Your knitting is wonderful! How did you learn to knit?

  2. Looking at that pile of chocolate I instantly zoomed in on that huge bag of M&Ms lol I can't believe they left all of that at your house!

  3. Thanks Lindy! As a teen or younger? Mom taught us hand work of all kinds. At least the basics so we would be able to get by. Knit, crochet,embroidery, sewing etc. those sklls have come in handy thru the years

  4. Candice...they sure didn't want it at their homes for the same reason!

  5. I send all the leftover "goodies" with my husband to work. Used to be lots of bachelors there that appreciated it. Knitting keeps you away from chocolate??? I'll try it (said with skepticism) but getting it out of the house is the only tried and true method for me. Love the hats!

  6. Beautiful work Katie! I love the color of those longies. :)


  7. DH is at work and the kids have returned to school - I have 2 days off and the house is full of chocolate and candy. Big trouble!!

  8. How was my weekend? A drive up the coast to Hanalie on Saturday. Church in a sweet little Hawaiian church on Sunday and lunch with the pastor and his wife and our friends. Another drive up the other side of the island yesterday afternoon. Sitting on the beach waiting for the sunset so I could take pictures.
    Would post all of this on my blog or facebook, but neither is letting me do pictures. I got a few on facebook, but cannot seem to get any more on now.
    Great weekend! I could get used to it. Have not gotten any knitting done at all:)

  9. LOVE the Itty Bitty hat! :o)

    You have my addy, send the M&Ms. Peanut are my favorite! LOL

  10. Knitting keeps me busy too and away from food (chocolate). You could always use the choccies in baking and freeze it for later.

  11. Wow - that's a lot of knitting! My girls ages 36 & 32 were squabbling over the scarves I made them for Christmas. Years ago they told me not to give them the same things but when I don't they still fight!



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