
Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect.

It's learning to look past life's imperfections

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

New Landscaping! Extreme Makeover!

Our New landscaping! Isn't it lovely? We had a bit of wind today, 60-81 mph

The tree house, the trees were pulled in different directions and ripped it apart!

Just think of it as new yard art!......maybe I can have Larry make benches out of the down trees...some are hardwood!

This was the "Thinking tree". It had 2-3 levels the kids could go to. They would sit up there and study or read (pout)

Remember the wall we just built?

We cant tell if there is any damage to the new garage, the trees fell between the house and garage,.....on to the new wall. It looks ok, we won't know until we get the trees cleared.

This photo was 30 minutes into the high winds
So far we have counted 8 trees down, and the top of 2 others.....hanging over the house!

This was the first "break" in the wind, see the trees behind the house?
Oh, Excuse me...that were behind the house.

Now just keep in mind our daughter Erika's wedding reception is on the 27th, here, at THIS HOUSE! She wanted a big informal family style gathering. Here. At home. We have at least 2 days of just chain saw work ahead!

Our closest neighbor came over, they suggested we have a theme reception.........Survivor Style. The games and contest possibilities are endless! LOL

But you know what? We are so BLESSED! no one was hurt, & our road is one of the few in the county we have found out that still has electricity. Over 400,000.have no power!

Maybe we will have a bonfire too........Gotta make lemonade!


  1. I miss our trees! We begged and begged for that treehouse and now look whats left! We use to have a wood swing hanging off the "thinking tree" but after the rope broke that idea was quickly nixed!

  2. Wow, that is a lot of tree damage. Here near the river, we were without power for a little over 24 hours. No trees down at our house but we did lose lots of shingles off the roof.

    Good luck on getting the place together for the wedding.

  3. Hey the Alex comment was from me. Wrong person signed into google.

  4. It's o.k. Rachel. After the reception if you ask Daddy nicely I'm sure he will build you another one LOL! Just tell him its for the grand kids!

  5. Oh my goodness. I'm so glad to hear that no one got hurt. Well, it will make for an interesting addition to the wedding story anyway. Good luck getting cleaned up in time!


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