This past winter when we were clearing all some of the “stuff” that had accumulated in the basemen through the years, Mr. Fix~It’ found his old Lionel train set. He’d always wanted to set up a semi permanent train set for our son Aaron but time, space, money and life just got in the way. He regrets that. A lot!
It sparked an idea of an activity that he can do with both Hayden & Isaiah, no matter what age or ability & that train set was the answer! What started out as “just a 4x8 sheet of plywood table” became…a on going work in progress…
Hayden’s reaction?
all the other photos are semi blurry as he was twisting this way & that
As you can see its a work in progress & has gone through numerous updates even since last week.
Every “Train Room” needs a lavender doors and butterflies on the wall! Right? It was the old play room.
Our friend Kent of “Top of the Hill 3d Archery” was happy to clear his old huge train tables out of his barn! They were set up with N gauge (tiny trains) that go over & under the tables.
Larry’s been gifted with H, HO, N, & another size trains, track, accessories since he’s started. Every night & often with his Dad, they work for hours trying to get everything up and running by the family gathering at Easter. This was last weekend when Rachel & Hayden came down from Indy…the boy is in for a few surprises as the lay-out has gone through more than a few changes since then.
I’m learning train setups are never…ever done
Guess I better get the rest of the “stuff cleared out so he has more room to grow!