
Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect.

It's learning to look past life's imperfections

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Friday, August 15, 2008

Back to School

It’s that time again, kicking and screaming at the purchase of school supplies, and that’s the parents!
I missed it.....the lists of supplies, sports gear needing replaced. Until I heard the school bus in the morning. Where did the summer go?

Am I totally warped or, do other Moms do the back to school dance? Mine are all out of school now but we had 4 of our own and, 3-4 others living with us. I loved them all more than anything but, I will never forget the morning the youngest child stepped on the school bus with the “Big Kids” for the first time. I cried for about 2 seconds, did a arm pumping little dance and called my husband at work. I was so excited saying, “Honey listen to this!” and extended the phone out to the room. His very calm response was, “I don’t hear anything” Mine was

1 comment:

  1. I will admit it. I did a happy dance this past Wednesday. And yesterday I went back to bed after dropping them off at school.


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