We took a quick, 3 day work related trip to Orlando Fl. last week. Turned into a mini vacation for me. We stayed at the Peabody Hotel, which I highly recommend. It’s a beautiful Hotel, spacious rooms with a welcoming atmosphere
There were nearly 500 gathered at this hotel and still had plenty of room!
Orchids, real ones topping the fountain and everywhere else in the hotel.
Part of the Peabody charm and history is the daily duck appearance in the main area.
Its obvious they are famous (and know it) as they ignored everyone in the hotel
I spent 2 wonderful quiet mornings at the pool goal setting. Redefining prioritizing & putting in writing my personal and business goals. Just me and my notebook making a plan. What a relief to have it done! I'm sure it will be tweeked and adjusted as time goes on
Its funny, we go through life, completing our daily tasks, doing what needs to be done. Be it going to work, providing a roof & food, raising children, some floating,some just managing to survive. I've gotten to the point where I had to ask myself, where do you want to go in this life, what do you want to accomplish. Most importantly why? When was the last time you put in writing your personal goals. Real or, silly to others, they are yours. Start jotting things down for a week or 2, your thoughts, ideas & dreams. What steps will you need to take to attain them? It's made a major difference for me. I cant say things have been perfect, I have a LOT of organizing to do first but, that's part of the plan. I have better direction. I know what I'm reaching for. What are your goals or dreams, DO YOU HAVE A PLAN TO REACH THEM?
On a lighter note.. More WIP's...I did accomplish some knitting on the flights and presentations. Soakers with a wonderful pattern from Sheepy Time Knits. These are knit with Patons Merino & LLB Designs (an Etsy Purchase).
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