What’s your knitting style?
I was recently in a conversation with a group of other knitters discussing various “working projects” we each had. I was amazed at the various styles & disciplines used.
Some prefer to
actually start and complete 1 project at a time, others may have a few with various “finishing“ needed i.e.; seams sewn, buttons, ends woven in or blocked.
Others have up to 10-15 projects on the needles At any given time, gifts, long term projects, instant gratification project, those your not sure your going to like and are thinking of changing, projects for the long school practices or car pool lane, bus ride or car knitting (here’s hoping you’re the passenger but I have known a few……………)
I always have quite a few working. I get bored working on one and switch to another, I flip around and then have quite a few completed at once. I start on one hat and think of another color pattern and off I go hunting fiber and needles! Kind of a knitting Bright Shinny Object!
It got me to wondering how many I actually had so, here’s my list:
Lost in Music Shrug 1/3 completed
Chunky Beret 95% completed
Poppel Hat needs threads woven in
Baby Jumper- needs decorative needlework
Burgundy mitts- needs seamed and decorative needlework
Burgundy Beret, ½ completed just sitting there, as I’m not sure if I like the color work
Hood scarf combo- my design not sure I like it
3 Woodland Sprite hats- each ½ to ¾ competed, 1 week
Kimono Baby Jacket-waiting seamed 4 months
Baby Sweater, waiting button sewn on 2 months
5 Cowls need threads woven in 1-2 months
5pr Booties need sewn 1-2 months
Case in point needle case, ½ done
3 wash/spa cloths in various stages
2 pr Diaper Soakers just need draw string threaded 2 weeks
2 Gigunda Market bags 1/3 & ½ completed
That’s what I can see from where I sit. Wow! At least I can say its
all knit from stash!
I’m not even opening my actual “project” tub!
What an eye opener, I do believe this is what they call Knitters A.D.D.
So, thats my almost list. what does yours look like? Are you a 1 & 2'r or do you have 5-15?
Let me hear from you!
And, the knitting language we have? Well! That’s a post all in itself!