
Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect.

It's learning to look past life's imperfections

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Beautiful Spring Weather

Calls for a few day trips. 

I’d planned on a surprise trip to a park by the river with the kids but, nearby construction had the entire playground equipment covered in orange construction barriers.

Surprise surprise!

Not to let them down, we drove a mile further to

The Falls Of the Ohio

Such a beautiful spot, so close and we forget the many beautiful parks nearly in our own “backyard!

We found a shady table on a quiet path & I turned the kids loose to run, climb and play.


The photo’s are from my cell, so it’s not greatest. 

We played our version of “Where’s Waldo”

Can you find them in the photo below?


When I had shown Larry these photos, he said “how were the snakes”?


I’d forgotten this type of log pile is a favorite of theirs, toss in the warm weather and the fact we were climbing all over in this…I about wet my pants. 

Alix, remained unimpressed and slept through the afternoon

river 1

I think this summer we’ll be spending more time here..nearly in our own back yard!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Is this amount OK?

What is the saying ….make plans and God laughs?

My plans for planting salad greens this morning have changed.  Last night we had some heavy rains storms which left the garden a soggy mess.  It needed raked well of any weeds left after tilling.  We had a real good crop of stink weed going for a while & I don’t want to be fighting them all summer.

With the change in plans I ended up in town for a groceries, eggs & a few other things (oh, for chickens of my own!)  Any way, as I was checking out something caught my eye.  The statement above my total bill had changed from prior visits. It went from.”Is this total correct” to “is this amount OK?”  Are you kidding me????

Heck no!!! That total is way to high! I bought the same items as last month and this months bill is about $10-15. higher. 

It looks like all the talk of hyper inflation is starting already.  Yet another reason to urging us further along the path of learning to do for ourselves.in a sustainable manner. 

Dandilion 003

Last nights rain brought a new crop of dandilions raising their bright yellow heads behind the house which reminds me I wanted to try my hand at making dandilion jam.   So I’m off to look up a few recipe’s. Might as well take advantage of what we’ve been blessed with right?

Any suggestions for tried and true recipes?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Outdoor Spring Cleaning

Last fall we finished this stage of the remodel (for the most part) right as the weather changed, it got cold wet and rainy quick. We used the patio as a staging area for lumber mixing concrete & cutting tile.  When we were done, all the tools got put up but there were a few things that were left out. This mess, is next on the clean up list.

In the summer this is usually one of my favorite spots on the patio.  Lots of shade for plants & a nice calm, quiet spot. Right now…. it’s a disaster

Messy patio 001

We’d moved the old table from the back deck to the corner near the hose (for the tile saw) and working in the shade…which just happens to be where I store my pots in the fall & winter.  With everything going on things got away from us pots & outside toys were placed in front of the mess.  We were burnt out, it was easier to let it go at the time.   Installing the water barrel  entailed shifting more pots, plants, hose hangers, potato buckets & the kids have been digging in the outdoor toys….It’s become a royal mess.Doll & Rain Barrel 002

Another leftover from the bathroom is all the scrap tile, angle cuts and slices. I hate to just throw them out, there’s got to be a way use them.. I just can’t think of any…...

Any ideas?


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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Is this March or May?

Everyone’s talking about this weird weather we’re having,  I can’t get over how warm it is and have to wonder what this means for the upcoming summer’s growing season.    With that thought in mind and, taking advantage of our beautiful weather this weekend Larry installed our first water barrel.  I bought it end of last summer and was able to purchase it at a really good priceDoll & Rain Barrel 001

It sure beats my system of buckets under down spouts when it rains….who am I kidding, I’ll still do that for other areas

It took a quick trip to the hardware store for a few gutter connector pieces, a little over an hours work and it was done. One step closer to sustainable living!

I’ll use it for the herb bed and pots on the patio. It’s hard to believe the county we live in wants to stop the use of these! They think it will create “dry areas”…. I think it has more to do with lost revenue as your sewer bill is based on your water usage.

Thankfully we are still on septic system….for now anyway.  They were scheduled to run sewer lines down our road 2 years ago so I’m not holding my breath for that to happen, They can take all the time they need

My next task is to get the patio cleaned up, it’s still cluttered up with the remnants of construction

Have a great day



Friday, March 16, 2012

Test Knitting for Myself

Test knitting and it’s for me!

The “Painted Hills Shawl

Design by Raya of Blissful Knits

Painted Hills Test 003

I’m using a colorway of hers “Secret Garden” on

 Blissful Knits & Dyeworks Cloud MCN Sock

I’ve drooled over this colorway for a while & as soon as I saw it I knew I had to have it…exactly what I would use it to make I wasn’t sure but, then I saw this shawl Raya designed and I just knew!

Although the colors are not that of the “Painted Hills” theme, they are perfect for my tastes and style.

Painted Hills Test 001

Raya is know for her intricate and detailed designs & I’ve knit quite a few of her designs over the past few years.  I have to admit reading the directions of her patterns and thought “what? No way!”

I’ve learned to just follow the directions and am always pleased with the results  & so far “Painted Hills Shawl is proving to be no different!


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Growing Greens

No, not the edible kind, the fun and decorative kind.

Our daughter Danielle is getting married in May.  The 12 th of May…go ahead, run and look at the calendar….. I’ll wait….that’s right Mothers Day weekend!  The busiest day of the year for florists. Good thing she isn’t planning on a lot of fresh flowers as most just laughed at us when we asked. 

The reception will be outdoors and family style, with a garden theme.    By garden I mean plants succulents to herbs. So,  right now, I’ve baby starts rooting all over the house…this is what some of my window sills look like

The family room

with the monster spider plant which has about 50 more baby shoots to harvest


The Kitchen window

Random 010

One laundry room window, the other has more.

These badly need to be separated

Random 007

My work room, hmm a few more to separate already

Random 008Random 009

Kitchen counter…


And a surprise begonia that popped up in this pot. 

Random 011

I ran out of pots & need to scavenge more from some where soon.  I think I have about 50 started and Danielle has more at her house.  

Herbs I’ll start this week and they should be the perfect size by the wedding which will be held here. How much fun will this be!

Have a great day


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